Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Bye Bye Blogger

Friends I am moving this show to wordpress continue to follow me there please!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

See you later Bumbo!

So thankful for holidays because I got to spend the day with my little man and boy did we have fun! First on the agenda was breakfast, an egg muffin for me and blueberry yobaby for Eli. I thought, hey I'll go ahead and place Eli in his Bumbo since we were eating in the living room and in hopes to avoid injury because he is on the move and in to EVERYTHING. As I was quietly patting myself on the back for having such a great idea, I returned to the kitchen to get our breakfast tray. Imagine my surprise when I see my sweet little boy crawling towards me dragging the Bumbo that was partly attached to his butt. I couldn't help but laugh. I put down the tray, picked Eli and Bumbo up and took them back into the living room. I took a few steps towards the kitchen and watched as Eli leaned over and slide right out of the Bumbo. Witnessing these little things make me want to stay home with him all the time. BUT..... considering I am borderline obsessed and don't want to do anything without him and must pretend I have a life outside of Eli, leaving him with the grannies is good. Plus he shows off his new skills when we get home! After breakfast we played with his toys that are all over the place. I hoped to get him to nap but he was not interested. We met his Daddy for lunch then home to try the nap thing again with no luck!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Tis the Season!

Seems so hard to believe that 2011 has a mere 3 days left before we are celebrating a New Year.
In 2 days I will be 31 years old. Last year I was 20 weeks pregnant as we celebrated my birthday and the New Year. This year we have a beautiful 35 week old baby boy!

He is crawling and showing us bits and pieces of his personality. He grunts at us when things don't go his way, boy we are in for it. He is showing us affection, he will lay his sweet little head on our shoulders and hold it there for a few seconds then look into our eyes. Melts my heart.

Eli fills our home with joy, when he is napping it's so quite and I find myself being bored (well after laundry and cleaning is done).

Christmas was so much fun! He loved tearing open his presents only to attempt to eat the wrapping paper and bows.

I am a little bummed that Eli has been a little under the weather but that hasn't stopped him from playing with his new toys and keeping me on my toes. Since the last 7 months and 4 weeks have been nothing short of amazing I look forward to the months to come!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Sometimes I feel like I just blinked and bam our little man is 7 months but oh no my friends the last 7 months have been a great, beautiful, exciting, scary at times roller coaster ride.  This picture captures this new thing he does where he starts out crying then ends up laughing. It's fun to watch this little man develop what "I" think is the cutest personality EVER!  He is quite the diverse eater these days, cereal with fruit in the mornings and veggies like sweet potatoes, green beans or peas for dinner.  Still nursing no changes there. He is still figuring the sippy cup out. He mostly likes to throw onto the floor from his high chair and watch daddy pick it up.  Eli is battling his first ear infection right now, all the mucous makes him mad.  I totally relate though.  Here are a couple more of our little man in action!


Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Virginia Bound!

Our little Road Warrior!

Over the Thanksgiving holiday we loaded up and headed to Virginia to visit my cousins for a couple of days. I worried myself sick for weeks over how Eli would handle the long car ride but he did great! Of course there were moments that made me wish we had just stayed home but those moments were far and few. Eli was a champ!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Babies Babies Babies!

Brynlee, Eli & Annie (with their proud Daddies)
Annie & Eli

Koen & Eli

I have said it before and I will say it again, I absolutely LOVE that our friends also have babies right now. Why? Two reasons 1) We get to share the good, the bad and the ugly stories & 2) Our babies have each other!! I haven't snapped a picture of Baby Charlie yet but he will be part of the gang too!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Take your small talk & shove it!

I know it is time for being thankful for all that we are blessed with and believe me I am but this isn't one of those blog posts. This morning I saw RED! This morning I wanted to take my fist and cram it down John Doe's throat. Okay so the scenario goes a little something like this......after dropping our sweet precious little boy off at his Tita's house I headed to work. It had been raining all morning but the rain was down to a sprinkle. Background information: we don't really have much time or energy to do much of anything after work now that we have a baby, so the back of our truck looked like a GDS garbage truck. There must have been 7 huge bags of trash back there. I thought to myself, you know I will help Travis out and drop these off since the recycling place was on my way. Just as I pull in the sprinkle turns into a monsoon. I wasn't about to leave, pull into work looking like the trash lady for the third day in a row so I put it in park, pulled my rain coat hood on and jumped out. At this point the dumpster attendee leaves his nice covered shed and makes his way over to me. I thought, wow, what a good samaritan this guy is. Psssh, the man came over stood right next to the truck and watched me pull all 7 bags out and heave them into the bin, one by one, as he shoots the shit about the rain. The conversation went a little something like this: John Doe "Sure is coming down out here", Me "Sure is", John Doe "Not the best time to be dropping off trash", ME "No, No it isn't but you got to when you can". John Doe finds that humorous. After I heaved the last bag of trash; I jumped in the truck soaking wet and don't look back, the nerve of some people. I would have been fine with him staying in the damn shed but why come over. Got to love a good ole boy.

Ahhh, feel better after getting that off my chest. Thank you for reading.