Monday, January 24, 2011

23 Weeks & some Change

It seems that as a general rule we are wishing time away. Months back it was seeing the baby bump, hearing the heartbeat, seeing his tiny little self during the ultrasound, feeling the first flutters to right now.....the day we meet our little boy, his first tooth, his first words, his first attempts at walking and so forth. Present day, all 3 of us are doing pretty good....yes I still have my weepy spells, my days of exhaustion from, well I really don't know from what considering I take it pretty easy these days, and planning for P'nut's room. According to, our little P'nut is weighing in at a pound and measures 11inches! We can't believe how fast our little boy is growing, this pregnancy is flying by! I always said that if we were blessed with the miracle of one baby I would be happy with that. Now that we have experienced this beautiful time in our my lives, I can't help but hope for P'nut to have a sibling!!!! I know what you all are thinking....wooooow pump the breaks lady, we will see what you think after delivering this baby! Honestly though, I have never felt more like a woman, a beautiful woman than I do right now..minus the sickness at the beginning this has been such a wonderful experience for me. (& for my Trav) I know in my heart that we will be great parents. I know we have lots of new experiences ahead, lots of mistakes when it comes to parenting but if we can be half the parents our parents are I think P'nut will be just fine. This little guy is going to be loved unconditionally, he will have a few obstacles as far as the culture differences between my family & Travis's family but hopefully this will shape him into a wonderful person! As I sit here typing our little boy is moving around in my belly (he knows I am talking about him), every time he moves he brings a smile to my face. My mom always told me I would never truly understand the love of a parent until I had my own and you know...surprise surprise she was right! It simply amazes me just how much I LOVE him already!


  1. Correction: We had an ultrasound today (I fell, long story, we are ok), my friends p'nut is weighing in at 1 pound 12 oz and measuring at 25 weeks instead of 24 weeks!

    P.S. I am measuring p'nut in the picture :)

  2. I love p'nut! So glad he's growing on schedule. He's a champ already. I didn't feel junebug all morning until I read your blog. I think the bug got excited while I reading about p'nut. You are a beautiful pregnant lady, lady. Love to you all.
