Monday, January 3, 2011

We are having a baby boy!!

Sorry this isn't new news, we found out a few weeks ago but I haven't had time to update my blog!
We are so excited! My next appointment is January 12th & our 3D ultrasound is scheduled for February 28th! Can't wait to see my lil p'nuts face! I know some people are like, "can't you wait until he is born to see his face?". My answer is, "well yes but why wait if I don't have to!". This little guy is growing inside my belly and I already feel such an amazing bond with him. I lay awake at night (because I can't seem to sleep) rubbing my belly, as if I was rubbing his little back. Here is his second portrait.

1 comment:

  1. bless....
    "he's little" on it's little. :)
    I can't wait to meet him!
