Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Little Nugget

Chelsea Handler...Love her. I love her because she is funny and she says things I wish I had the pelotas to say.
If you have not read; "My Horizontal Life: A Collection of One-Night Stands", "Are you there,Vodka?
It's me, Chelsea", & "Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang", I strongly urge you to pick one up.
Picture this:
I am comfortably curled up under a blanket on my couch or bed reading and out of nowhere
I start laughing hysterically. These comical masterpieces have me wiping away the tears and
my husband looking at me like I have lost my mind (Nice)

I particularly like reading these books (or any book) on a rainy day and Nascar Sunday's.


  1. I <3 Chelsea Handler. I love watching her show, she's hysterical.

  2. great suggestions. i think my horizontal life is my favorite. i'm finishing up the Vodka monologues right now. its about to find its way home. thanks!
