Thursday, June 24, 2010

My truck had Jet Fuel for Breakfast!

End of an era.

A little background information......when Travis & I started dating he had two vehicles.
One he drove to pick me up in when we went on dates to Asheville and one that he
drove most of the time. The one he drove most of the time was a 1988 Isuzu pup truck.
He had purchased her for $900.00 a few years before we met.
She wasn't the prettiest thing, she was old & loud but she got us places.
We have numerous memories with the "Zu", she witnessed tons of early
dating shenanigans.

For the last couple of years the "Zu" was nothing more than a lawn decoration.
Every once in a while Travis would crank her up & take her for a spin but she
mostly collected pollen, dried up Christmas trees, old Pepsi crates & leaves.
Last week our neighbor approached Travis & asked if we were interested in
selling the truck. We had visited the notion a few times in the past but usually
would dismiss the idea b/c Travis couldn't part ways with her. This all changed
last Monday when I got a call from my mom, she said my Stepdad knew someone
who was really interested in buying the "Zu". Two interested buyers in the span
of a week. She didn't even have a FOR SALE sign in the window.
It all happened so fast....Travis came home from work, cleaned off the windshield,
took her out for a spin, washed her and she sold Wednesday for (get this) $500.00.

Of course nothing in our lives happens like it should, nothing is ever easy.
I only state this b/c I couldn't find the original title, so I had called the
tag office and inquire what we had to do in order for this sell to take place.
I was told all Travis had to do was sign a paper and that the buyer would then
request the title in his name. Easy enough. We arrived at the tag office at
4:00pm (it closes at 4:30) the lady tells Travis he can't sign the title over just yet
b/c there is a Lien on the truck. What? (Long story but he had taken a loan out for
a friend of mine several years ago). Mind you the guy purchasing the "Zu" is already
there. Ugh! Travis & I ride to the bank, get the signature but have to drive to the
other branch to get the paper notarized b/c the lady who signed the paper can't
notarize her own signature. Please also take into account that we are in Sylva,
traffic in Sylva when you are in a hurry is a NIGHTMARE. When we drove
past the tag office Travis noticed that the guy's vehicle was no longer there.
This motions Travis to start throwing an "Ashe Fit".
(For those of you who have never witnessed this so called fit.....
basically it involves some cussing, raising of the voice & rattling off why
we shouldn't have rushed the sell, etc.). Did I mention that it was hotter
than hell yesterday? We finally make it back to the tag office at 4:22pm and see that
the guy had just moved his car to a shaded area. Travis's frown quickly turns upside down.
After apologizing to the buyer......
( for our inability to have our shit together-Travis's words during his fit)
the signing over of the title takes place and money is exchanged.

I have to say that after all of that; seeing someone drive the "Zu" out of our lives was bittersweet.

1 comment:

  1. I know Matt shall miss the Zu. He always wanted to take her for a spin. Sad times!
