Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Week 22

We had a prenatal appointment this morning, everything checked out great! My uterus is measuring just right, my blood pressure was great, my weight..well I gained 6 pounds (It feels more like 2o pounds), and the heartbeat was 150 beats per minute. Hearing the little heartbeat makes my world light up! It's so reassuring to hear that sound, let's me know that little p'nut is doing well, even though I feel him swimming around in there now. We go back in 4 weeks and our 3D ultrasound is scheduled for February 28th. Right now little p'nut is 11 inches long (the size of a spaghetti squash) and weighs approx. 1 pound!! He is starting to look like a miniature newborn according to Despite the wretched weather, I am walking on sunshine today :)


  1. You are a cutie. So glad you and the p'nut are doing well. Its so hard to believe he's 1 lb. I love you, p'nut.

  2. You're looking lovely doll!
    I'm so glad to hear that Moma & Babe are doing well!
